
Become our distributor

Become Raysen Distributor

Do you want to expand your business and become a dealer of high-quality musical instruments? Don't hesitate any longer! Raysen is a leading manufacturer of a variety of musical instruments, including guitars, ukuleles, handpans, tongue drums, kalimbas and more. With a strong reputation for delivering top-notch instrumentation, we now offer individuals or businesses the exciting opportunity to become our distributor and exclusive agent.

As a Raysen dealer, you will have full support from our experienced team and access to our extensive product range. Our instruments are crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring they meet the highest quality and performance standards. Whether you are an established music retailer, online seller, or a music enthusiast looking to start your own business, becoming a Raysen dealer can be a lucrative opportunity for you.

In addition to becoming a distributor, we also seek individuals or companies to become our exclusive agents in specific areas. As an exclusive agent, you will have the exclusive right to distribute and sell our products in your designated territory, giving you a competitive advantage in the market. This is a great opportunity to establish yourself as a leading supplier of high quality musical instruments in your area.

Join our dealer network and become part of a growing industry!

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